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The Martian Chronicles, by Ray Bradbury
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“A modern classic” —The Washington Post“A giant…One of the country’s most popular and prolific authors.” —Los Angeles Times“One of the greats of twentieth century American fantasy.” —Newsday“There is no simpler, yet deeper, stylist than Bradbury. Out of the plainest of words he creates images and moods that readers seem to carry with them forever.” —San Francisco Chronicle“A wonderful storyteller….Nearly everything he has written is sheer poetry.” —St. Louis Post-Dispatch
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From the Back Cover
Bradbury's Mars is a place of hope, dreams and metaphor - of crystal pillars and fossil seas - where a fine dust settles on the great, empty cities of a silently destroyed civilization. It is here the invaders have come to despoil and commercialize, to grow and to learn - first a trickle, then a torrent, rushing from a world with no future toward a promise of tomorrow. The Earthman conquers Mars...and then is conquered by it, lulled by dangerous lies of comfort and familiarity, and enchanted by the lingering glamour of an ancient, mysterious native race.
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Product details
Mass Market Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Simon & Schuster; Reprint edition (April 17, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781451678192
ISBN-13: 978-1451678192
ASIN: 1451678193
Product Dimensions:
4.1 x 0.8 x 6.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.4 out of 5 stars
810 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#9,921 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Very disappointed with this purchase. The version delivered to me is the edited/altered version, not the original version as written by Ray Bradbury in 1950. In this version, all dates have been advanced by 31 years. The chapter called "The Fire Balloons" was not part of the original writing, but from another book entirely. Certain other parts of the book have been updated to comply the modern era, rather than allow the imagination of a future world as seen from the 1950's shine through.I prefer my books, and those I give my children, to remain as the author wrote them originally (translation aside), not updated, abridged, rewritten, or edited for a time long after they were written.The book says Modern Classics at the bottom... Perhaps it should say "altered classics" instead.
I love The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury. It's a Five Star book however due to censorship I give it a one star. It has great short stories and make your think about things, especially for the time period it was written. It's a quick and easy read. With that said, my issue with this version is the publishers have censored it taking out one of the chapters due to racism, usage of the "N" word. I'm very much against book censorship and would want them to update it to leave the book to it's original intent or for the readers not get this version. Please look for the book in its intentional form.
Searching for a version that is not censored, I ended up checking the on-line table of contents of this Simon and Schuster edition. It showed "Way In The Middle Of The Air" (which the PC police removed from so many versions of this book) beginning on page 119. Upon getting the book, a quick flip to page 119, aaaand - clearly not a censored edition. Having last read this story 30 years ago, I absolutely inhaled it. Wow - this is a completely different book once you're mature enough to understand what Bradbury wrote about.It's important to get the true version of this book because "Way In The Middle Of The Air" is a truly pivotal story. In the over all arc of stories, the tired and dying Martian society goes extinct more from lassitude and being incurious than anything else. Meanwhile humans arrive and begin creating a more vibrant and hopeful society. However, the book isn't really about that. It's about the world Bradbury was living in with the fear of nuclear annihilation, Jim Crow, and a changing society. It's about progress here on earth and "Mars" as the place were going. This story shows the deep south of the early-mid 1900's as old, tired, and ready to die like the dead Martian societies. The imagery of the river is beautiful.This one story makes it worthwhile to buy this particular edition of the book.I wish this edition were listed separately from the crappy ones.
This book has been extensively altered from the original and classic Martian Chronicles. All of the dates Bradbury used in the chapter headings have been changed, rendering the Cold War/Atomic Age context of the book meaningless. One of the most important chapters "Way in the Middle of the Air", which establishes the violence and hatred endemic in the American culture which invades Mars has been completely removed from the book. An additional, inferior chapter, "The Fire Balloons" which was never part of the original book, has been put in its place. Don't buy this re-hash, find an older version and buy that.UPDATE: January, 2017I have let this warning stand for 4 years, but it is no longer accurate. There are (apart from used books) three versions of The Martian Chronicles on this Amazon page: the Kindle, the hardcover and the trade paperback. I have looked at the table of contents of each.The Kindle version is a censored version with altered dates, Way in the Middle of the Air missing and The Fire Balloons added. Apparently this kindle version is no longer available, I cannot verify that, but I hope it is true.The hardcover version also is a censored version with altered dates, Way in the Middle of the Air missing and The Fire Balloons added.The mass-market paperback, however, I am delighted to say is a better edition, with the original dates restored, and the original chapters that the 1958 version, and all subsequent versions up to 1998, had. Thank you, Simon and Shuster, for responding to reader outrage and restoring what never should have been altered. And thanks to the book-buying and reading public for demanding that a book widely touted by its sellers as "a classic" be, in fact, a classic.By the way, there is nothing wrong with Bradbury's story "The Fire Balloons", it's just not part of The Martian Chronicles, it's part of The Illustrated Man, look for it there.
I purchased the regular paperback edition --- NOT the mass market paperback, which I knew was edited and missing a story. Unfortunately, the regular paperback edition is ALSO edited, with the story Way Up In The Middle Of The Air removed. Considering that one of the best stories in this collection, Usher II, is about the foolishness of censorship, the fact that editors have removed Way Up just takes ridiculousness to a whole new level.Can someone please list the specific editions which contain Bradbury's ENTIRE collection? That would be great.
Though Bradbury was no doubt a fine writer, I cannot agree with the blatant censorship that is shown by Harper Collins' to exclude the author's original content "Way in the middle of the air" a story detailing with racism in the American South.
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